Neurocontrol III: Differencing models of the basal ganglia - thalamocortical loops

A. Lõrincz

Neural Network World 7, 43--72 (1997)


Two models of basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops are proposed, both of which feature population coding and utilize local approximations. The first model is a temporal differencing scheme similar to the temporal differencing striosome models . In this model the basal ganglia perform temporal differencing by means of their two arms, viz. the direct and the indirect pathways. The second model involves control architeture based on the so called position-and-direction-to-action (PDA) map . The architecture utilizes this PDA map for both static and dynamic state (SDS) feedback to achieve precise control under perturbed conditions. Here it is argued that the differencing part of the SDS scheme may be viewed as a model of the basal ganglia, while the full SDS scheme may be considered as a model of basal ganglia - thalamocortical loops. The SDS scheme is different from the temporal differencing model as it may also generate correcting commands if control is taken over and carried out by independent motor programme executing units. Relationships to neurobiological and psychophysical findings are discussed.

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