Java SE 8 API documentation

Last modification: 07/11/16

  1. Securely delete file with random data.

    Make a program Swipe that takes a filename as argument, and overwrites its contents with a number of random bytes. The number of bytes are also taken as argument of the program.

    Things can go wrong during the overwriting. Handle the by printing some user-friendly message. Other exceptions can arise, so specify that your main() method may throw an

    Make sure the file is closed in every cases.

    Hint. Use a java.util.Random object to generate random data.

  2. Average of grades.

    Create a program that computes the average of grades of a given student. The program takes the name of the student and a filename as arguments. The grades are read from the file. Every line consists of a name and equal number of grades, however the number of grades is not known in advance. We assume all lines are in correct format.


    $ cat grades.txt
    Brian:4 3 5 4 5
    Peter:4 2 5 1 3
    Adam:5 4 5 3 4
    $ java Avg "Peter" grades.txt
    $ java Avg "Smith" grades.txt
    $ java Avg "Adam" asd
    File not found!

    Handle the by printing some user-friendly message.

  3. Subsequence.

    Create a program that reads integers from a file until the sum of the integers reaches a given bound. Then it prints the subsequence read so far. The upper bound is taken as argument.

    The file may contain arbitrary many integers.


    $ cat nums.txt
    $ java Subseq 10
    [1, 2, 4, 0, -1, 3]

    Hint. You could use the toString() method of a java.util.ArrayList or a java.util.ArrayList.