Gazdag Zsolt
Tudományos folyóiratban, LNCS kiadványban megjelent publikációk:
- A new approach for solving SAT by P systems with active membranes (with G. Kolonits), Membrane Computing - 13th International Conference, LNCS 7762(2013) 195-207.
- A Kleene Theorem for Binoid Languages (with Zoltán L.
Németh), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 22(2) (2011) 427-446.
- Improved upper bounds on synchronizing nondeterministic
automata (with Szabolcs Iván and Judit Nagy-György), Information Processing Letters, 109(17) (2009) 986-990.
- Decidability of the Shape Preserving Property of Bottom-Up
Tree Transducers, International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science, 17(2) (2006) 395-413.
- Shape Preserving Bottom-Up Tree Transducers, Journal of
Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 10 (2005) 4, 483-534.
- Bounds for Tree Automata with Polynomial Costs
(with B. Borchardt, Z. Fülöp and A. Maletti), Journal of Automata,
Languages and Combinatorics, 10 (2005) 2/3, 107-157
- Hiererchies of Tree Series Transformations (with Zoltán
Fülöp and Heiko Vogler), Theoret. Comput. Science, 314 (2004)
- Shape Preserving Top-Down Tree Transducers (with Zoltán
Fülöp), Theoret. Comput. Science, 304 (2003) 315-339.
Referált nemzetközi konferenciakiadványban megjelent publikációk:
- A new approach for solving SAT by
P systems with active membranes (with G. Kolonits), 13th International Conference
on Membrane Computing, CMC13, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-31, 2012, pp. 211-220 CMC13.
- A note on context-free grammars with rewriting restrictions, Proceedings of the 2010 Mini-Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 109-112 MATCOS 2010.
- A Kleene Theorem for Binoid Languages (with Zoltán L. Németh), Proc. of the 12th
International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages, AFL 2008.
- Bounds
for Tree Automata with Polynomial Costs (with B. Borchardt, Z. Fülöp and A.
Maletti), Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop "Weighted Automata:
Theory and Applications'', Technical Report TUD-FI04-05, Dresden University of
Technology, 2004.
Egyéb konferencia előadások:
- Shape Preserving Bottom-Up Tree Transducers, CSCS04, The Fourth Conference
of PhD Students in Computer Science, 2004. Július 1-4, Szeged
Részvétel konferenciák rendezésében: