The assemblers, downloaders, and simulators for a 6811 are freeware and are available via FTP. Many sites on the internet will have 6811 related materials as the `archie` UNIX command will reveal. But I will direct Miniboard enthusiasts to one sight in particular, Once an FTP connection has been made to cherupakha, `cd` to the pub/projects/miniboard directory. Here you will find subdirectories for your particular PC type, like Mac, DOS, Amiga, etc. Then `cd` into your chosen PC type and you will find the assembler, downloader, and simulator available for download.
IBM clone users will also find a freeware C compiler for the Miniboard called icc11 in the pub/projects/miniboard/icc11 directory. This C compiler is known to be a bit buggy and a commercial C compiler is strongly recommended.
Commercial C compilers for the Miniboard are available through the following vendors:
The ImageCraft HC11 C Compiler, ICC11, version 2.0 Price: $45.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling $40.00 for library source. $40 for REXIS and $400 for source for REXIS. ImageCraft P.O. Box 64226 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-4226 (408) 749-0702 send the message "subscribe icc11-list" to Dunfield Systems C for 100$ Dave Dunfield ( Dunfield Development Systems Box 31044 Nepean Ontario Canada K2B 8S8 Tel: 613-256-5820 Fax: 613-256-5821 BBS(v32/v42/HST): 613-256-6289 Avocet Systems Inc. 6801/HC11/6301 C Cross compiler phone 207 236 9055. HI-TECH Software P.O. Box 103, Alderley, QLD, 4051, AUSTRALIA. Voice: +61 7 300