Monitor Program
The Monitor Program is called MON (for Macintosh) or Mon.exe (for PCs). The
Mon program is a 6811 program which reads commands from the Miniboard
serial port and sends responses to the Miniboard serial port. The point is
that you can send commands from your PC keyboard to the Miniboard and read
the Miniboard's responses on your PC monitor. The Mon program provides the
following commands:
- testmotors.
- Individually flashes each motor LED for about a half-second.
- A good way to tell if your motors are working.
- digitals.
- Returns a byte read from the digital input port.
- analog <port>.
- Returns value read from specified analog port (0 to 7)
- read <addr>.
- Reads a byte from specified address in memory.
- write <addr> <data>.
- Writes a byte to specified address in memory. Will not write to EEPROM memory.
- eeprom <addr> <data>.
- Burns a value into EEPROM memory.
- quit.
- Exits MON.
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