Istenes Zoltán - Oktatás - MI sáv - Tudásalapú rendszerek fejlesztése - Irodalom


FGSE - SGES elõnyök / indoklás / moticációk
[Cla86] "From GUIDON to NEOMYCIN and HERACLES in Twenty Short Lessons" Clancey 1986 fejlõdés a "klasszikus" SZR-ekhez képest
Nyelvek - "módszerek"
[Ton90] "CARMEN : a platform for building second generation expertsystems" Tong; Tueni 1990 SGES - multiple level knowledge
[Van90] "Mapping a Knowledge Level Analysis onto a Computational Framework" Vanwelkenhuysen; Rademakers 1990 operationalisation - TroTelC példa
[Gru89] "A method for acquiring strategic knowledge" Gruber 1989 ASK
[Par93] "EXPECT : Intelligent Support for Knowledge Base Refinement" Paris; Gil 1993 explicit representation
[Bra96] "Modelling an elevator design task in DESIRE : the VT example" Brazier et al. 1996 DESIRE - task ontology
[Lin92] "Linking modeling to make sens and modeling to implement systemsin an operational modeling environment" Linster 1992 OMOS - model vs.implement/operationalise
[Gue94] "MML; a Modeling Language with Dynamic Selection of Methods" Guerrero-Rojo 1994 "DSTM"- összehasonlítás Sysiphus-92/ Model-K / TroTelC / TIPS / LISA
[Kar90]  "Models; methods; roles and tasks : many labels-one idea ?" Karbach; Linster; Vos 1990 különféle modellek - modellezésekösszehasonlítása - GT / KADS / Method-to-Task / Role-limitingmethod
[Har95]  "Formal Methods in Knowledge Egineering" Harmelen; Fensel 1995 formális nyelvek pro és contre összefoglalás
[Kar93]  "Model-K for prototyping and strategic reasoning at the knowledgelevel" Karbach; Vos 1993 prototyping - modeling - knowledge level - reflection
Technikák / módszerek
[Aus94]  "Making a method of problem solving explicit with MACAO" Aussenac; Matta 1994 "The" knowledge acquisition method
[Dav89] "Foreword" David; Krivine; Simmons 1989 SGES összefoglalás
"Mapcar, ZoLa, DSTM, Emma, ..."
[Tch94] "Prototyping at the Knowledge Level with the Mapcar ReflexiveLanguage" Tchounikine; Istenes; Rideau; Trichet 1994 Mapcar ésADA és egyebek
[Ist96a]  "Zola : a Language to Operationalise conceptual Models ofReasinong" Istenes; Tchounikine 1996 Zola és egyebek
[Ist96b]  "Dynamic Selection of tasks and Methods as a Knowledge LevelReflective activity" Istenes; Tchounikine; Trichet 1996 DSTM ésegyebek
[Ist96c]  "Using Zola to model Dynamic Selection of Tasks and Methodsas a Knowledge Level Reflective activity" Istenes; Tchounikine; Trichet 1996 Zola és DSTM és egyebek
[Tri97]  "Reusing a Flexible Task-Method Framework to Prototype a KnowledgeBased System" Trichet; Tchounikine 1997 DSTM - Emma
[Tch???] "Mapcar : a Framework to Support the Elaboration of the ConceptualModel of a KBS" Tchounikine ??? Mapcar approach - Zola nyelv - DSTM -ZTM - Fiona; összefoglalás
[Tch98]  "Elaborating the Problem-Solving Model of a Fault diagnosisExpert System by Knowledge Level Prototyping" Tchounikine; Choquet; Istenes 1998 általános összefoglalás; "minden" van benne
[Har92]  "Knowledge-level reflection" Harmelent et al. 1992 REFLECT- nagyon jó alap cikk
[Tei96] "Using reflection techniques for flexible problem solving(with examples from diagnosis)" Teije; Harmelen 1996 formálisalapok.
[Rei91] "A Conceptual Modelling Framework for Knowledge-level Reflection" Reinders et al. 1991 KADS - REFLECT - office plan
[Mae88] "Issues in Computational Reflection" Maes 1988 "elméleti"leírás

Istenes Zoltán

2000 február 16.