Suggested Readings
***** Nonlinear Programming, D.P. Bertsekas, 1996 ***** Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Models, D.B. Bertsekas, 1998 ***** Active Contours, A. Blake and M. Isard, Springer-Verlag, 1999 ***** Learning in Graphical Models, Ed. M.I. Jordan, MIT, 1998 ***** Advances in Kernel Methods, Eds. B. Schölkopf et al., MIT Press, 1999 ***** Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, R. Sutton and A. Barto, MIT Press, 1998 **** Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, W. Stallings, 1998 **** Information Theory and Statistics, S. Kullback, 1997 **** Pulsed Neural Networks Ed. W. Maas, C.M. Bishop, 1999 **** Natural Language Processing (with ThoughtTreasure) E.T. Muller, 1999 **** Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multiplier Methods D.P. Bertsekas, 1996 **** Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication, B. Frey, MIT Press, 1998 **** Neural Networks, S. Haykin, IEEE Press, 1994, 1999 **** Digital Compression for Multimedia, Eds. J.D. Gibson, et al, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998 **** Elements of Information Theory, T.M. Cover, J.A. Thomas, 1991 **** Applied Probability Models with Optimization Applications, 1992 **** The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory, V. Vapnik, Springer Verlag, 1995 **** Introduction to Probability, J.E. Freund, 1993 **** Artificial Intelligence,Russell,1995 *** Mesterséges Intelligencia, Szerk. Futó Iván, 1999 *** Affine Analysis of Image Sequences, L.S. Shapiro, Cambridge Univ Press, 1995 *** Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots, Eds. D. Kortenkamp et al., AAAI Press, 1998