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Bio sketch
Copyright 2014 Eötvös Loránd Univeryity. All rights reserved.

Welcome To My Web Site!

Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page design tool that allows you to create and upload a professional web page in minutes without having to know HTML. Simply add text, images, photos, animation, navigation bar, flash, buttons, logos, and more onto web page and move them freely. It offers several pre-designed templates, so you can create a new web page from them.

Street lights
Here's a poem for my best friend. You make me happy, Everyday.
Hotel sky side
Here's a poem for my best friend. You make me happy, Everyday.
Morrish columns
Here's a poem for my best friend. You make me happy, Everyday.
My Gallery                                          My Favorite Work

Web Page Maker, create your own web pages.