Name: HAJAS, Csilla

Contact information

Department of Information Systems, 
Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest,
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Room: 2-507
Phone: (+36)(1) 372-2500 /8478
Fax: (+36)(1) 381-2464
E-mail: sila (a)


Ph.D. in Mathematics: Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen, 1997
Dr.univ. in Mathematics: Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen, 1995
M.Sc. in Mathematics: Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen, 1987

Positions held

Lecturer [from 01-Jan-2000] Dept. of Information Systems, ELTE, Budapest
Lecturer [01-Jul-1998/ 31-Dec-1999] Dept. of Information Technology, KLTE
Assistant Lecturer [01-Sep-1991/ 30-Jun-1998] Dept. of Inform. Tech., KLTE
Associate Research Fellow [01-May-1987/ 31-Aug-1991] Computer Center, KLTE
[ KLTE = Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen, Hungary ]

Teaching experiences

30+ years of teaching different BSc and MSc courses 
on Theory and Practice of Database Systems 
at Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen 
and Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. 

Research interests

Information systems, database theory, data modeling and database design, 
advanced data modeling, nested, object-oriented and deductive databases,
data mining, knowledge discovery, statistical process and industrial statistics.


Member of Hungarian Oracle User Group (from 2010)
Member of John von Neumann Computer Science Society (from 1993)

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