Dynamic CORBA, Part 4: The Interface Repository
The Dynamic
CORBA Interface Repository provides type information about CORBA interfaces and
other entities defined in IDL. It helps ensure the type-safety and correctness
of the DII and DSI mechanisms that defer an application's binding onto specific
interface types until run time.
Interconnections: Dynamic CORBA, Part 4: The Interface Repository
Douglas C. Schmidt and
Steve Vinoski
Welcome to
the next installment of our series covering Dynamic CORBA. In Part 1 [1], we discussed the DII (CORBA
Dynamic Invocation Interface), which allows applications to invoke operations
on target objects without having compile-time knowledge of target interfaces.
In Part 2 [2], we explained the basics of the
Dynamic Any, which enables applications to handle any value of any IDL type
(whether simple or complex) without having compile-time information about that
type. In Part 3 [3], we covered the DSI (Dynamic Skeleton Interface),
which is the server-side counterpart of the DII that enables CORBA developers
to portably construct applications that cannot know a priori the types
or identities of the objects they must serve.
In this
column, we explain the IFR (Interface Repository), which is the next piece of
the Dynamic CORBA puzzle. Our previous columns in this series have
intentionally ignored the fact that Dynamic CORBA applications require a means
of obtaining type information dynamically. To avoid cluttering our examples and
explanations, we instead relied on hard-coded type information. Now that we've
completed our coverage of the DII, DSI, and Dynamic Any, we'll show how CORBA
developers can use the IFR to construct truly dynamic applications that
discover all necessary type information at run time.
IFR Basics
developers are typically familiar with IDL compilers, which parse IDL
definitions and generate stubs and skeletons to represent them. Such compilers
are typically composed of:
A front
end, which performs lexical, syntactic, and semantic analysis of the IDL
input while building a parse tree representing that input.
One or more
back ends, which walk the resulting parse tree and generate code based on
its contents. For example, one back-end implementation might generate C++ stubs
and skeletons, while another might generate Java stubs and skeletons.
The IFR is a
distributed service that shares similarities with the inner workings of an IDL
compiler. It allows applications to store and retrieve IDL definitions to and
from an instance of the service, much like allowing them to modify and access
an IDL parse tree at run time. For this column, we focus on the IFR operations
that provide read access to IDL definitions, since the write operations are
typically used only by tools used to populate and administer an IFR. ORBs that
provide IFR implementations normally support tools that make use of these write
interfaces to allow you to add definitions to the IFR (though most require you
to remember to do so explicitly). Often, the tool that writes the IFR is a
special back end to the IDL compiler that walks the internal parse tree and
writes the definitions to the IFR.
There are
several different ways to access the IFR's contents. We describe the two most
useful approaches below:
1. Initial reference. If you pass the string "InterfaceRepository" to the ORB::resolve_initial_references method, it will return an
object reference that you can narrow to the CORBA::Repository interface
type. You can then use that interface to look up and navigate through all type
definitions stored in the repository.
2. CORBA::Object method. The get_interface
method of the CORBA::Object interface returns a CORBA::InterfaceDef object that provides access to the IDL
definitions specific to the target object.
CORBA applications typically use the CORBA::Object::get_interface
method because it provides more direct access to the type information needed
for such applications. Since applications must be able to invoke get_interface without knowing the specific type of
the target object, this method appears on the CORBA::Object interface,
meaning that it's available on all CORBA objects. The InterfaceDef
returned from get_interface describes the most
derived interface supported by the target object. For example, if interface B
derives from interface A, and a servant implements interface B,
then B is the most derived interface supported by an object incarnated
by the servant. By virtue of inheritance, the object also supports interface A,
but A is not its most derived interface. If someone later adds an
interface C derived from B, the most derived interface of the
existing object is still B, because it does not implement C.
Since it
inherits from several base interfaces, InterfaceDef
is somewhat complicated. First we look at its describe_interface
method, which returns a struct that contains
all the information about the target interface. To make our example concrete,
this column will continue to use the Stock Quoter IDL
shown below as our target interface:
// IDL
module Stock {
exception Invalid_Stock {};
struct Info {
long high;
long low;
long last;
interface Quoter {
Info get_quote (in string stock_name)
raises (Invalid_Stock);
Assuming we
had an object reference to an instance of Stock::Quoter,
FullInterfaceDescription struct
returned from describe_interface would contain
the following information:
Its simple
name, e.g., "Quoter".
repository ID, e.g., "IDL:Stock/Quoter:1.0".
(We discuss repository IDs in more detail near the end of this column.)
Its TypeCode, which for static programs is also
available as the constant Stock::_tc_Quoter.
Its version
enclosing scope's repository ID.
repository IDs of its base interfaces.
Sequences of
full descriptions of its operations and attributes.
For example,
let's assume we've retrieved a stringified object
reference for a Stock::Quoter object from a
file, so we can invoke its get_interface
method, as shown below:
CORBA::String_var str = // read string from file
CORBA::Object_var target =
orb->string_to_object (str);
CORBA::InterfaceDef_var intf_def
target->_get_interface ();
Note that
like other CORBA::Object operations, the get_interface
operations acquires a leading underscore when mapped to a C++ method to keep it
from clashing with user-defined operations in derived classes. After we invoke get_interface, we can access the full description of
the Stock::Quoter interface by invoking describe_interface on the returned InterfaceDef to obtain FullInterfaceDescription,
as follows:
CORBA::InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var fid =
with the example above, we could print the names of all operations and
attributes in the Stock::Quoter interface (or
any interface for that matter) like this:
cout << "interface name: " <<
fid.name.in () << endl;
CORBA::ULong i;
for (i = 0; i < fid->operations.length
(); ++i)
cout << " operation " << i+1 <<
": "
<< fid->operations[i].name.in () << endl;
for (i = 0; i < fid->attributes.length
(); ++i)
cout << " attribute " << i+1 <<
": "
() << endl;
The operations
member is a sequence of OperationDescription,
and the attributes member is a sequence of AttributeDescription.
The output of this program for Stock::Quoter
interface name: Quoter
operation 1: get_quote
Invoking a DII Request
The full
descriptions of the operations and attributes that InterfaceDef
contains are the key to obtaining the type information necessary to write true
dynamic clients. In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we used static type
information in our examples since we hadn't discussed the IFR yet. We'll now
revisit those examples to show how to get the necessary type information from
the IFR. Our DII/DynAny example is based on
the Stock::Quoter IDL definitions shown above.
Our original DII/DynAny client looked like this:
CORBA::Object_var obj = // ...obtain object reference...
CORBA::Request_var req = obj->_request
req->add_in_arg () <<=
"IONA"; // Note static string type.
// Note static TypeCode.
// Another static TypeCode.
req->exceptions ()->add (Stock::_tc_Invalid_Stock);
req->invoke ();
CORBA::Environment_ptr env = req->env
if (CORBA::is_nil (env) || env->exception () ==
0) {
DynamicAny::DynAny_var dynany =
dynfactory->create_dyn_any (req->return_value ());
For a truly
dynamic client, we must replace the static type information we use to set up
the request arguments, return type, and exception types with type information
dynamically retrieved from the IFR. One way to do this is to navigate
explicitly through the full OperationDescription
for the get_quote operation. The following
example builds on the FullInterfaceDescription
retrieval code from the previous example.
1 CORBA::Object_var obj =
2 // ...obtain object reference...
3 CORBA::Request_var req =
4 obj->_request
5 for (CORBA::ULong i =
6 0; i <
fid->operations.length (); ++i)
7 if (strcmp
8 "get_quote")
== 0) {
9 for (CORBA::ULong
j = 0;
10 j
11 ++j) {
CORBA::Flags direction;
13 switch
14 (fid->operations[i].parameters[j].mode)
15 case
16 direction = CORBA::ARG_IN;
17 break;
18 case
19 direction = CORBA::ARG_OUT;
20 break;
21 case
22 direction = CORBA::ARG_INOUT;
23 break;
24 }
CORBA::NamedValue_ptr nv
26 req->arguments
()->add (direction);
27 nv->value ()->replace
28 (fid->operations[i].parameters[j].type.
in (),
29 0);
30 }
31 req->set_return_type
32 (fid->operations[i].result.in ());
33 for (CORBA::ULong j = 0;
34 j < fid->operations[i].exceptions.length ();
35 ++j)
36 req->exceptions ()->add
(fid->operations[i].exceptions[j].type.in ());
39 }
Lines 5-8
look through the sequence of operation descriptors to find the element that
describes the get_quote operation. Using that
element, lines 9-30 set the type and direction for each Request
argument. Line 231 then sets the Request return type, and lines 33-38
set all the user-defined exceptions that the Request can return. After
this code completes, all that's left to do is set the string value for the
single argument to get_quote using DynAny, which we'll show a little later.
Although the
code above eliminates the dependency on static type information, it's
complicated due to the deep nesting of the description structs.
Another approach is to use the create_operation_list
method that the ORB provides to fill in the target operation's argument
1 CORBA::Object_var
target =
2 // ...obtain object reference...
3 CORBA::InterfaceDef_var
intf_def =
4 target->_get_interface
5 CORBA::Contained_var
ctd =
6 intf_def-> lookup
7 CORBA::OperationDef_var
op_def =
8 CORBA::OperationDef::_narrow
(ctd.in ());
9 CORBA::NVList_var arglist;
10 orb->create_operation_list
11 (op_def.in (), arglist.out
The create_operation_list method shown on lines 10-11
uses its OperationDef argument to fill in its NVList argument, which is an out parameter.
(An actual implementation of create_operation_list
inside the ORB might look a lot like the FullInterfaceDescription
example, in fact). Lines 5-6 obtain OperationDef
by looking up the entity named "get_quote"
in InterfaceDef. Note, however, that create_operation_list fills in only the types and
directions of the arguments in the target operation's argument list and does
not take care of the Request return type, context list, or exception
list. A complete example using create_operation_list
1 CORBA::Object_var
target =
2 // ...obtain object reference...
3 CORBA::InterfaceDef_var
intf_def =
4 target->_get_interface
5 CORBA::Contained_var
ctd =
6 intf_def->
lookup ("get_quote");
7 CORBA::OperationDef_var
op_def =
8 CORBA::OperationDef::_narrow
(ctd.in ());
9 CORBA::NVList_var arglist;
10 orb->create_operation_list (op_def.in (),
11 arglist.out ());
12 CORBA::NamedValue_var ret_nv;
13 orb->create_named_value (ret_nv.out ());
14 CORBA::TypeCode_var ret_type = op_def->result ();
15 ret_nv->value ()->replace (ret_type.in (), 0);
16 CORBA::ExceptionList_var exc_list;
17 CORBA::ExceptionDefSeq_var exc_seq =
18 op_def->exceptions ();
19 if (exc_seq->length () > 0) {
20 orb->create_exception_list
(exc_list.out ());
21 for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < exc_seq->length
22 ++i) {
23 CORBA::TypeCode_var exc_tc = exc_seq[i]->type ();
24 exc_list->add
(exc_tc.in ());
25 }
26 }
27 CORBA::Request_var request;
28 obj->_create_request
(CORBA::Context::_nil (),
29 "get_quote", arglist.in (), ret_nv.in (),
30 CORBA:ContextList::_nil
(),exc_list.in (),
31 request.out (), 0);
This code is
really no simpler than the previous example, but it reveals an important fact
about the IFR: it supports multiple views of the information it contains.
Specifically, the IFR allows navigation based on description data (as the
previous example shows) or based on object references (as this example shows).
Specifically, in this example, we first retrieve an InterfaceDef
object reference on lines 3-4. From that we retrieve an OperationDef
object reference via named-based lookup on lines 5-8. Lines 10-26 then invoke
separate methods on OperationDef to retrieve
each data item we need, which differs from the previous example that invokes
one OperationDef method to return all the
necessary data in one big data structure. Finally, lines 28-31 invoke the long
form of the create_request operation. We use
the long form because we already have all the information necessary to create
the request.
Note how
lines 5-6 in this example use the lookup method to obtain Contained,
which we then narrow to OperationDef in lines
7-8. The Contained interface and its counterpart Container
interface serve as fundamental base interfaces in the IFR, allowing for
navigation through the hierarchies of IDL definitions. In IDL, every entity is
either a container or is something that can be put into a container. Some IDL
entities are both. For example, InterfaceDef
is a Container that holds definitions for operations, attributes, and
types. It's also a Contained that can be stored within a module
definition. Similarly, ModuleDef is also both
a Container and a Contained, whereas EnumDef
(used to describe an IDL enum type) is only a Contained.
At the top level of the IFR hierarchy, the Repository interface (which
is the type of interface returned by ORB::resolve_initial_references("InterfaceRepository")) does not correspond to an
IDL construct but still derives from Container because it contains
everything within the IFR.
of whether we use create_operation_list or
explicitly construct the argument list ourselves using a full description struct, we must set the argument values. The C++
code below will work with either approach:
1 CORBA::Object_var obj =
2 orb->resolve_initial_references
3 DynamicAny::DynAnyFactory_var dynfactory =
4 DynamicAny::DynAnyFactory::_narrow (obj.in
5 CORBA::ULong len = req->arguments
()->count ();
6 for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < len;
++i) {
7 CORBA::NamedValue_ptr
nv =
8 req->arguments
()->item (i);
9 if (nv->flags
10 continue;
11 CORBA::Any
*arg = nv->value ();
12 CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = arg->type ();
13 DynamicAny::DynAny_var dynany =
14 dynfactory->create_dyn_any_from_type_code
15 (tc.in ());
16 switch (tc->kind ()) {
17 case
18 dynany->insert_string
19 break;
21 // handle
other types
22 }
23 CORBA::Any_var newany = dynany->to_any ();
24 *arg = newany.in ();
25 }
26 req->invoke ();
To set our
arguments, lines 6-22 walk over the list of arguments created in the previous
example, ignoring all out arguments. For each argument, lines 12-15 use TypeCode to create DynAny.
Lines 16-24 then set the value of DynAny
according to its type. Our example sets a hard-coded string value in DynAny for simplicity, though a real dynamic
application would obtain its values from another application, a database or
file, or a GUI. After setting all the arguments, line 26 finally invokes the
request. For clarity, we separated the creation of the argument list from the setting
of the argument values. In real application code, it would be more efficient
and easier to set the argument values as you construct the argument list. Note
also that our example shows only the handling of the string type because
showing a complete solution would require much more code.
The IFR and the DSI
Now that
we've illustrated how a dynamic client application can use the IFR to obtain
and use type information, let's move the discussion to the server. As we
explained in Part 3 of this column series [3], the DSI allows certain types of server applications,
such as gateways or debugging intermediaries, to serve objects for which they
have no compile-time type information. Such DSI applications thus require
access to the IFR to handle requests properly.
When it is
up-called by the POA, a DSI servant must determine the type and identity of the
target object for which it's being invoked. Based on the target object's type,
it can query the IFR to obtain type information about the arguments of the
operation being invoked. It then passes this argument type information back to
the ORB runtime through the ServerRequest interface
to allow the runtime to demarshal the input arguments
properly. The following example illustrates these steps within the DSI
servant's invoke method:
1 CORBA::Object_var obj =
2 orb->resolve_initial_references ("POACurrent");
3 PortableServer::Current_var current =
4 PortableServer::Current::_narrow (obj.in
5 CORBA::Object_var
target = current->get_reference ();
6 CORBA::InterfaceDef_var
intf_def =
7 target->_get_interface ();
8 CORBA::Contained_var
ctd =
9 intf_def-> lookup (server_request->operation
10 CORBA::OperationDef_var op_def =
(ctd.in ());
12 CORBA::NVList_var arglist;
13 orb->create_operation_list (op_def.in (),
14 arglist.out ());
15 server_request->arguments (arglist.inout
Lines 1-5
obtain an object reference for the target object via the POA Current.
Lines 6-7 then use the object reference and the name of the invoked operation
(obtained from ServerRequest) to obtain an OperationDef for the target operation. Lines 13-24
pass OperationDef to create_operation_list
to create an argument list for the target operation, which we pass into the ServerRequest::arguments method to obtain the
arguments passed from the caller on line 15. After our arguments are available,
we process them using DynAny as shown in [3]. As you can see, create_operation_list and OperationDef
make it fairly straightforward to implement truly dynamic DSI servants.
Repository IDs
Ever wonder
about those strange repository ID strings that appear in various parts of
CORBA? The IFR is the main reason those repository IDs exist. As its name
suggests, a repository ID identifies an entity in the IFR. There are multiple
formats allowed for repository IDs, such as Java RMI hashed identifiers, DCE
UUID identifiers, and support for custom application-specific formats, but the
default is the familiar "IDL:identifier:version"
format. For example, the default repository ID for our Stock::Quoter interface is:
The entity
identifier is formed by replacing all instances of :: in the
fully-scoped IDL name with the / separator, and setting the version
defaults to 1.0. You can change the entity identifier and the version
portions of a repository ID in your IDL definition using #pragma prefix or typeprefix
directives. For example, all definitions in OMG specifications have the "omg.org"
#pragma prefix
module CORBA {
interface InterfaceDef { ... };
Without the
prefix, the repository ID for the InterfaceDef
interface would be:
With the #pragma prefix directive in effect, the repository ID
Using such
prefixes helps reduce the chances of name clashes among repository IDs for
types defined by separate organizations. To modify the version number in a
repository ID, we use the #pragma version
module CORBA {
typeprefix CORBA "omg.org"
interface InterfaceDef { ... };
#pragma version InterfaceDef 3.0
parameters to the #pragma version directive
are the scoped name of the entity to be versioned, and the version number in <major>.<minor>
format. (Caveats regarding the versioning of IDL definitions are explained
elsewhere [4]). Note also that in this example we
use the new typeprefix IDL keyword to
attach the "omg.org" prefix to the CORBA module
definition, rather than using #pragma prefix.
This new keyword promotes the importance of prefixes and helps eliminate
ambiguities regarding the scope and application of #pragma
prefix, especially when one IDL file includes another. With the #pragma version directive and typeprefix
keyword in effect, the repository ID for our example becomes:
Finally, you
can use the #pragma ID directive or the new typeid keyword to set the whole repository
ID, as follows:
module A {
interface B {
... };
#pragma ID B "LOCAL:module(A)/interface(B)"
Both the #pragma ID directive and the typeid
keyword must be followed by a scoped name and an identifier string. This
example shows the use of a LOCAL repository ID format for the
identifier. The CORBA specification includes the LOCAL format to allow
applications to support their own custom repository ID strings. For this
format, the identifier can be any string you want it to be as long as it
follows the "LOCAL:" format identifier. Despite official CORBA
support for it, the LOCAL format is rarely used in practice.
If we know
the repository ID of an entity, we can easily look it up in an IFR. The Repository
interface we mentioned above (i.e., the one that represents the outermost
container in the IFR) provides the lookup_id
operation for searching the IFR based on repository ID. The following
example illustrates how to use the repository ID for this purpose:
1 CORBA::Object_var obj =
2 orb->resolve_initial_references
4 CORBA::Repository_var
repos =
CORBA::Repository::_narrow (obj.in ());
6 CORBA::Contained_var
contained =
7 repos->lookup_id ("IDL:Stock/Quoter:1.0");
8 CORBA::InterfaceDef_var
intf_def =
9 CORBA::InterfaceDef::_narrow (contained.in
10 // intf_def now refers to the interface definition
11 // for
Lines 1-5
obtain a Repository reference by passing "InterfaceRepository"
to resolve_initial_references and narrowing
the return value appropriately. Lines 5-6 then invoke lookup_id,
passing in the default repository ID for the Stock::Quoter
interface. The lookup_id operation
returns Contained, which we narrow to InterfaceDef
in lines 8-9. Note that this narrowing is based on static knowledge that Stock::Quoter is an interface, but we could avoid that by
asking Contained what it is, as follows:
// Lines 1-7
same as above.
8 if (contained->def_kind
() == CORBA::dk_Interface) {
9 CORBA::InterfaceDef_var intf_def =
10 CORBA::InterfaceDef::_narrow (contained.in
11 // intf_def now refers to the interface
12 //
definition for Stock::Quoter
13 }
The def_kind operation call on line 8 returns DefinitionKind, which is an enum
that indicates what type of definition Contained refers to. Having
verified that Contained actually does refer to an interface type,
on lines 9-10 we safely narrow Contained to InterfaceDef.
Evaluating the IFR
When used in
conjunction with other Dynamic CORBA features, such as the DII and DSI, the
CORBA IFR supports powerful and type-safe metaprogramming
capabilities [5]. CORBA applications can query an
IFR to obtain metadata that describes IDL interface types, operation
signatures, operation arguments and return types, and the definition of
user-defined data types. DII clients and DSI servers can use the metadata provided
in an IFR to construct "generic" applications whose behavior can be
determined at run time (e.g., via an interpretive language like CorbaScript [6]). These generic applications can also be used to reduce
the effort required to develop bridges that translate requests from an ORB in
one domain to other ORBs in a different domain or other systems running
different middleware technologies, such as COM or Java RMI.
For example,
a generic CORBA bridge can use the DII, DSI, and IFR to process a two-way
operation as follows:
receiving a request, use the DSI API and IFR to decompose the request into a
name/value list (NVList), which stores each
argument in a separate Any data structure.
Use the
resulting NVList to construct a DII request
and use the DII API to send this request to the target object.
receiving the DII reply, NVList holds the out
arguments, so transfer it and the return value, or any raised exception, back
into the DSI ServerRequest and reply to the
original DSI request.
Such a
bridge could serve, for example, as a generic dynamic load balancer, forwarding
requests to the least loaded server among a set of replicas [7]. Achieving this sort of flexibility
using statically compiled CORBA stubs and skeletons would be impractical.
Although the
IFR specification is a powerful service that occupies a large portion of the
CORBA standard, surprisingly few CORBA developers actually use the IFR in
practice. The following are some of the key reasons:
Complexity. It should
be clear from the discussion above that a generic ORB bridge can incur
significant overhead, both in terms of time/space utilization and programming
effort. For example, Dynamic CORBA operations and the IFR may require multiple
data copies (e.g., copying the data from the request buffer into each one of
the Anys of the DSI argument list and then
later copying the reply from the DSI argument list into the DII request
buffer). Copies are also required from the DII reply buffer into the Anys used to extract each argument and finally into
the DSI reply buffer. There's also the overhead of having to make one or more
expensive remote calls to the IFR to obtain the type information needed just to
invoke the original desired request. Likewise, the programming APIs for the IFR
are large and complicated, which makes them hard to use correctly. Our examples
in this column provide only a sample of the complexity involved in navigating
the IFR data structures and interfaces.
Consistency management. The IFR holds metadata about objects separately from
the objects themselves. Although this design saves human and computer resources
for applications that don't use an IFR, it also allows the IFR to easily get
out of sync with the objects it is supposed to describe. It also requires you
to remember to populate the IFR with your IDL definitions if you intend to use
your objects in Dynamic CORBA applications. An alternative way of providing an
IFR-like service would be to have the objects themselves provide their own
metadata in a reflective manner. For example, rather than having Object::get_interface retrieve information from a separate IFR,
the object's skeletons could return the information directly based on their own
compile-time type information. This would ensure that the metadata would never
be inaccurate or missing — if you can get to the object, then you are assured
that you can also get to its metadata. Naturally, this approach would have
increased the space utilization for applications that don't use the IFR, which
helps explain why the OMG didn't mandate the tighter coupling between objects
and their metadata.
Concluding Remarks
applications based on static stubs and skeletons have been used successfully in
domains such as telecommunications, aerospace, process automation, and
e-commerce. Static stubs and skeletons are not well suited, however, to
shielding developers from the effects of changes to requirements or
environmental conditions that occur late in an application's lifecycle (i.e.,
during deployment and/or at run time). For example, application developers may
need to interact with objects whose interfaces did not exist when a distributed
application was deployed initially. With Static CORBA, applying these types of
changes requires tedious and error-prone redesign and reimplementation of
existing application software. For applications such as interactive test
programs or intermediary bridges that must be independent of the objects they
interact with, Static CORBA simply does not suffice.
To address
the limitations of Static CORBA outlined above, this column described the
Dynamic CORBA IFR, which is a service that provides type information about
CORBA interfaces and other entities defined in IDL. As described in our
previous columns on Dynamic CORBA, one purpose of the DII and DSI mechanisms is
to defer an application's binding onto specific interface types until run time.
The IFR helps ensure the type-safety and correctness of these run-time
Our next
column will discuss Portable Interceptors, which are yet another kind of
Dynamic CORBA feature that an ORB invokes in the path of an operation
invocation to monitor or modify the behavior of the invocation without changing
the client or server application. If you have comments, questions, or
suggestions regarding Dynamic CORBA or our column in general, please let us
know at object_connect@cs.wustl.edu.
We'd like to
thank Jeff Parsons for his helpful comments that improved the form and content
of this column.
[1] Steve Vinoski and Douglas C. Schmidt.
"Object Interconnections: Dynamic CORBA, Part 1: The Dynamic Invocation
Interface," C/C++ Users Journal C++ Experts Forum, July 2002, <www.cuj.com/experts/2007/vinoski.htm>.
[2] Steve Vinoski and Douglas C. Schmidt.
"Object Interconnections: Dynamic CORBA, Part 2: Dynamic Any," C/C++
Users Journal C++ Experts Forum, September 2002, <www.cuj.com/experts/2009/vinoski.htm>.
[3] Steve Vinoski and Douglas C. Schmidt.
"Object Interconnections: Dynamic CORBA, Part 3: The Dynamic Skeleton
Interface," C/C++ Users Journal C++ Experts Forum, November 2002, <www.cuj.com/experts/2011/vinoski.htm>.
[4] Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski. Advanced CORBA Programming with C++
(Addison-Wesley, 1999).
[5] Nanbor Wang, Douglas C. Schmidt, Ossama Othman, and Kirthika Parameswaran. "Evaluating Meta-Programming Mechanisms
for ORB Middleware," IEEE Communication Magazine, October 2001.
[6] Object Management Group. "CORBA Scripting Language, v1.0,"
OMG Document formal/01-06-05, June 2001.
[7] Ossama Othman, Carlos O'Ryan,
and Douglas C. Schmidt. "An Efficient Adaptive Load Balancing Service for
CORBA," IEEE Distributed Systems Online, March 2001.
About the Author
Steve Vinoski is vice president of Platform Technologies and chief
architect for IONA Technologies and is also an IONA Fellow. A frequent speaker
at technical conferences, he has been giving CORBA tutorials around the globe
since 1993. Steve helped put together several important OMG specifications,
including CORBA 1.2, 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3; the OMG IDL C++ Language Mapping; the
ORB Portability Specification; and the Objects By Value Specification. In 1996,
he was a charter member of the OMG Architecture Board. He is currently the
chair of the OMG IDL C++ Mapping Revision Task Force. He and Michi Henning are the authors of Advanced CORBA Programming with C++, published in January 1999 by
Addison Wesley Longman. Steve also represents IONA in the W3C (World Wide Web
Consortium) Web Services Architecture Working Group.
Doug Schmidt is a full professor at Vanderbilt
University. His research focuses on patterns, optimization principles,
model-based software development, and empirical analyses of object-oriented
techniques that facilitate the development of high-performance, real-time
distributed object computing middleware on parallel processing platforms
running over high-speed networks and embedded-system interconnects. He is the
lead author of the books Pattern-Oriented Software
Architecture: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects, published by Wiley and Sons, and C++ Network
Programming: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns and C++ Network Programming: Systematic
Reuse with ACE and Frameworks both published by Addison-Wesley. He can be contacted
at schmidt@isis-server.isis.vanderbilt.edu.