IPv6 Overview & Status Report

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Table of contents

IPv6 Overview & Status Report

Background Technology Overview Deployment Strategies Current Status

Why IPv6? (Theoretical Reasons)

Would increased use of NATs be adequate?

IP Address Allocation History

Other Benefits of IPv6

Why IPv6? (Current Business Reasons)

Slide 8

IPv4 Header compared to IPv6 Header

Summary of Header Changes

How Was IPv6 Address Size Chosen?

Text Representation of Addresses

Text Representation of Addresses (cont.)

Basic Address Types

General Format of Unicast Addresses

IPv6 - Addressing Model

Global Unicast Addresses

Non-Global Unicast Addresses

Interface Address Set

Neighbor Discovery

Serverless Autoconfiguration (“Plug-n-Play”)

Auto-Reconfiguration (“Renumbering”)


Mobile IP (v4 version)

Mobile IP (v6 version)

Slide 26

IPv4-IPv6 Transition / Co-Existence Techniques

Dual-Stack Approach

Tunnels to Get Through IPv6-Ignorant Routers


IPv6 Deployment Phases

Slide 32




Deployment (cont.)

IPv6 Timeline (A pragmatic projection)

Slide 38

Slide 39

Slide 40

Cisco IOS Roadmap: The Confluence of IPv4/IPv6

Cisco IOS Roadmap

Much Still To Do

Recent IPv6 “Hot Topics” in the IETF

Impediments to IPv6 Deployment



PowerPoint Presentation

Author: Steve Deering, Iony Hain

E-mail: toke@inf.elte.hu

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