    Copyright © 2013 Hegedűs Dénes (hegedenes@gmail.com)

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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    Mastermind.Properties modul
    Tesztelési terv megvalósítása és állítások bizonyítása

module Mastermind.Properties where


open import FRP.JS.Bool renaming (_≟_ to _≟b_)
open import FRP.JS.List
open import FRP.JS.Nat hiding (_≟_ ; _<_)
open import FRP.JS.Maybe

open import Mastermind.Auxiliary
open Mastermind.Auxiliary.Fin

open import Mastermind.Model
open import Mastermind.View
open import Mastermind.View.Base

    Segéd definíciók

-- Propozícionális ekvivalencia

data _≡_ {A : Set} (a : A) : A  Set where
  refl : a  a

infix 4 _≡_

data  : Set where

infix 3 ¬_

¬_ :  {}  Set   Set 
¬ P = P  

_≢_ :  {A : Set}  A  A  Set
x  y = ¬ x  y

sym :  {A : Set} {a b : A}  (a  b)  (b  a)
sym refl = refl

trans :  {A : Set} {a b c : A}  (a  b)  (b  c)  (a  c)
trans refl refl = refl

cong :  {A : Set} {B : Set} (f : A  B) {a₁ a₂ : A}  (a₁  a₂)  (f a₁  f a₂)
cong f refl = refl


-- Léptetés jelölése
_>>_ : State  Button  State
state >> button = step state button

infixl 10 _>>_

restart≡newGame :  {s : State}  step s restart  newGame s
restart≡newGame = refl

-- Teszteset₁: Amelyik 4 színt megadjuk az elején, az kerül a tippbe.
test₁ : {n : } {a b c d : Color}  
  State.guess (init n >> color a >> color b >> color c >> color d)  (a  b  c  d  [])
test₁ = refl

lemma-fin :  {n}  (i : Fin n)  toℕ i < n  true
lemma-fin zero    = refl
lemma-fin (suc i) = lemma-fin i

-- Teszteset₂: Nem léphetünk ki a tippből léptetésnél.
test₂ : (s : State)  toℕ (State.guesspos s) < 4  true
test₂ s = lemma-fin (State.guesspos s)

-- Teszteset₃: Ha véget ért a játék, akkor csak a restart gomb használható.
no-step-when-ended :
   {e : End}  (s : State)  (b : Button) 
  b  restart State.gamestate s  ended e 
  step s b  s
no-step-when-ended s restart np p with np refl
no-step-when-ended s restart np p | ()
no-step-when-ended s (color y) np p  with State.gamestate s
no-step-when-ended s (color y) np () | active
no-step-when-ended s (color y) np refl | ended _ = refl
no-step-when-ended s (move y) np p  with State.gamestate s
no-step-when-ended s (move y) np () | active
no-step-when-ended s (move y) np refl | ended _ = refl
no-step-when-ended s ok np p with State.gamestate s
no-step-when-ended s ok np () | active
no-step-when-ended s ok np refl | ended _ = refl
no-step-when-ended s clear np p with State.gamestate s
no-step-when-ended s clear np () | active
no-step-when-ended s clear np refl | ended _ = refl

lemma-lookupv :
   {n : } {A : Set} {a : A}
  (fn : Fin n) (v : Vec A n) 
  lookupv (replacev (toℕ fn) v a) (toℕ fn)  just a
lemma-lookupv () []
lemma-lookupv zero (x  xs) = refl
lemma-lookupv (suc i) (x  xs) = lemma-lookupv i xs

-- Teszteset₄: Szín megadása esetén a tipp aktuális pozíciójára a szín kerül
test-modifyColor : 
   {c : Color} (s : State) 
  lookupv (State.guess (modifyColor c s)) -- megváltozott állapot tippjének
          (toℕ (State.guesspos s))        -- az eredeti állapot tippjének
                                          -- aktuális pozícióján
   just c                                -- az új szín lesz
test-modifyColor s = lemma-lookupv (State.guesspos s) (State.guess s)


-- Egyenlőségi érvelés

_≡⟨_⟩_ :  {A : Set} (x : A) {y z : A}  x  y  y  z  x  z
x ≡⟨ refl  refl = refl

infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_

_∎ :  {A : Set} (x : A)  x  x
x  = refl

infix 2 _∎

-- Állítás₁: A 4 fekete találat megoldás.
isSolved-law₁ : isSolved (black  black  black  black  [])  true
isSolved-law₁ = refl

-- Tétel₁: Azonos tipp és megoldás 4 fekete találatot ad.
check-law₁ : (c : Colors)  check c c  (black  black  black  black  [])
check-law₁ c =
  check c c
    ≡⟨ refl 
  blacks ++ whites
    ≡⟨ cong  x  blacks ++ x) law₁ 
  blacks ++ []
    ≡⟨ cong  x  x ++ []) law₂ 
  black  black  black  black  []
    zipped = toList (zipv c c)

    rr     = unzip (filter (not  uncurry _≟_) zipped)
    rg     = proj₁ rr
    rs     = proj₂ rr
    whitec = length (rg \\ (rg \\ rs by _≟_) by _≟_)
    whites = replicate whitec white

    fs     = filter (uncurry _≟_) zipped
    blacks = map  _  black) fs

    ≟-preserves-suc :  (n : )  n  n  true  suc n  suc n  true
    ≟-preserves-suc zero p = refl
    ≟-preserves-suc (suc n) p with n  n
    ≟-preserves-suc (suc n) refl | true = refl
    ≟-preserves-suc (suc n) () | false

    ≟-refl :  (n : )  n  n  true
    ≟-refl zero    = refl
    ≟-refl (suc y) = ≟-preserves-suc y (≟-refl y)

        Állítás₁: A fehérek száma 0.

    gf  = λ y  if (not (uncurry _≟_ y)) then just y else nothing

    gf-lemma : (x : Color)  gf (x , x)  nothing
    gf-lemma zero = refl
    gf-lemma (suc n) with ≟-refl n
    ... | p with n  n
    gf-lemma (suc n) | refl | true = refl
    gf-lemma (suc n) | () | false

    gfilter-lemma : {n : }
      (x : Color)  (xs : Vec Color n) 
      gf (x , x)  nothing 
      gfilter gf (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))  gfilter gf (toList (zipv xs xs))
    gfilter-lemma x xs p with gf (x , x)
    gfilter-lemma x xs refl | .nothing = refl

    rg-ind : {n : }  (v : Vec Color n)  filter (not  uncurry _≟_) (toList (zipv v v))  []
    rg-ind [] = refl
    rg-ind (x  xs) =
      filter (not  uncurry _≟_) (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))
        ≡⟨ refl 
      gfilter gf (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))
        ≡⟨ gfilter-lemma x xs (gf-lemma x) 
      gfilter gf (toList (zipv xs xs))
        ≡⟨ rg-ind xs 

    rg≡[] : rg  []
    rg≡[] = cong (proj₁  unzip) (rg-ind c)

    \\-lemma : (l : List Color)  ([] \\ l by _≟_)  []
    \\-lemma [] = refl
    \\-lemma (x  xs) = \\-lemma xs

    whitec≡0 : whitec  0
    whitec≡0 =
        ≡⟨ refl 
      length (rg \\ (rg \\ rs by _≟_) by _≟_)
        ≡⟨ cong  x  length (x \\ (rg \\ rs by _≟_) by _≟_)) rg≡[] 
      length ([] \\ (rg \\ rs by _≟_) by _≟_)
        ≡⟨ cong length (\\-lemma (rg \\ rs by _≟_)) 
      length {_} {Color} []
        ≡⟨ refl 

    law₁ : whites  []
    law₁ =
        ≡⟨ refl 
      replicate whitec white
        ≡⟨ cong  x  replicate x white) whitec≡0 
      replicate 0 white
        ≡⟨ refl 

        Állítás₂: A feketék száma 4.

    gf2 = λ y  if (uncurry _≟_ y) then just y else nothing

    gf2-lemma : (x : Color)  gf2 (x , x)  just (x , x)
    gf2-lemma zero = refl
    gf2-lemma (suc n) with ≟-refl n
    ... | p with n  n
    gf2-lemma (suc n) | refl | true = refl
    gf2-lemma (suc n) | () | false

    gfilter-lemma2 : {n : } (x : Color)  (xs : Vec Color n) 
      gf2 (x , x)  just (x , x) 
      gfilter gf2 (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))  ((x , x)  gfilter gf2 (toList (zipv xs xs)))
    gfilter-lemma2 x xs p with gf2 (x , x)
    gfilter-lemma2 x xs refl | .(just (x , x)) = refl

    fs-ind : {n : }  (v : Vec Color n)  filter (uncurry _≟_) (toList (zipv v v))  (toList (zipv v v))
    fs-ind [] = refl
    fs-ind (x  xs) =
      filter (uncurry _≟_) (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))
        ≡⟨ refl 
      gfilter gf2 (toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs)))
        ≡⟨ gfilter-lemma2 x xs (gf2-lemma x) 
      ((x , x)  gfilter gf2 (toList (zipv xs xs)))
        ≡⟨ cong  e  (x , x)  e) (fs-ind xs) 
      (x , x)  toList (zipv xs xs)
        ≡⟨ refl 
      toList (zipv (x  xs) (x  xs))

    replicate-lemma : {A : Set}  (n : )  (v : Vec A n)  map  _  black) (toList v)  replicate n black
    replicate-lemma .0 [] = refl
    replicate-lemma .(suc n) (_∷_ {n} x xs) = cong (_∷_ black) (replicate-lemma n xs)

    law₂ : blacks  (black  black  black  black  [])
    law₂ =
        ≡⟨ refl 
      map  _  black) fs
        ≡⟨ cong  e  map  _  black) e) (fs-ind c) 
      map  _  black) zipped
        ≡⟨ replicate-lemma 4 (zipv c c) 
      replicate 4 black
        ≡⟨ refl 
      (black  black  black  black  [])

check-law₁-solution :  (c : Colors)  isSolved (check c c)  true
check-law₁-solution c =
  isSolved (check c c)
    ≡⟨ cong isSolved (check-law₁ c) 
  isSolved (black  black  black  black  [])
    ≡⟨ refl 