
This document covers the use of a Miniboard as a robot controller. To use a Miniboard in an application, one must acquire a Miniboard (the target system), acquire the development system, and learn to program the Miniboard. Acquiring the target and the development systems is pretty easy and each of those tasks gets a paragraph's worth of space in this report.

Learning to understand the target system and development system is much more extensive (both in terms of difficulty and number of pages in this document). Programming a Miniboard (the target system) requires an understanding of the 6811 architecture... that is one must understand the memory map, programmer's model, instruction set, addressing modes, timer/counter operation, interrupt handling, and sensor/motor interfacing. Each item in the previous list merits a section in this document.

Understanding development system basics will require that we look at how assemblers and compilers work, how to download programs into the Miniboard, how to use a 6811 simulator, and how to monitor programs running on the Miniboard.

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