module Modules.Imports where

Detach a module into a separate file

Module definitions can be detached into separate files:

  1. A file named modulename.agda should contain the module declaration.
  2. Now the module declaration can be replaced by an import declaration.


module X where

  module ImportExample where

    data Bool : Set where
      false true : Bool

  x = ImportExample.true

can be replaced by

module X′ where

  import ImportExample  -- click to see the contents of ImportExample.agda

  x = ImportExample.true

Search paths

Agda source files should be accessible from the Agda search paths.

In the Emacs environment, the Agda search paths can be set by

  1. M-x customize-group agda2 (M stands for Meta which is labelled Alt on most computers)
  2. Edit the contents of Agda2 Include dirs

The default search paths are the current directory (from where emacs was started) and the path of the Standard Libraries if it was installed properly.

If you invoke the Agda compiler from the command line, you can add a path to the search paths by the -i flag. The default search path is the current directory.

Qualified modules in import declarations

Module definitions can be detached into separate files contained in (possibly nested) directories accessible from the search paths.


module X″ where

  module ImportExample where

    data Bool : Set where
      false true : Bool

  x = ImportExample.true

can be replaced by

module X‴ where

  import Modules.ImportExample  -- click to see the contents of Modules/ImportExample.agda

  x = Modules.ImportExample.true

Note that the top level module declaration of Modules/ImportExample.agda declares the qualified module Modules.ImportExample. Qualified module declaration are allowed only in this case.

Renaming imported modules

One can rename imported modules:

module X⁗ where

  import Modules.ImportExample as ImportExample

  x = ImportExample.true

Syntactic abbreviations

open import M

stands for

import M
open M

There are similar abbreviations for using, hiding, renaming, public constructs.