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  ELTE BSc Databases 1, 2012/2013 Spring (Hajas Csilla)  
  Course Information        
Tuesday  8:30 - 10:00 South Building 1-110 classroom lecture and practice
Thursday 10:15 - 11:45 South Buiding 2-520 computer lab lecture and practice
Website of the course:  

- A First Course in Database Systems (3rd edition)
  by Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom
- same material and sections as
  Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd ed)
  by Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom
  - Table of Contents
  - Sample chapters in PDF: Chapter1 and Chapter2 

Topic of the classroom lecture and practice
- Databases, Relational Model, Relational Algebra
- SQL Query and Modification 
- Extended Relational Algebra 
- Constraints, Triggers and Views
- PSM (or Oracle PL/SQL)
- Datalog, Recursion
- Relational Design Theory
- Entity Relationship Model
Topic of the computer lab lecture and practice
- Oracle SQL Query and Modification
- Oracle PL/SQL
BSc Final Exam
- Databases 1 - query languages
Relational model, entity-relationship model, transformation from ER to relational model.
Relational algebra, SQL, Datalog. Recursion in query languages. Procedural elements
in query languages (variables, control structures, subprograms, cursors, exceptions).
- Databases 2 - query execution
Index structures, sparse and dense index, B+ tree, bitmap index, dynamic hashing.
One pass and two pass algorithms, sort based and hash based algorithms.
Join methods, cost of operations, query execution plans.

   E-mail: Hajas Csilla © ELTE Department of Information Systems
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