module Functions.Views.Decidability where

Import List

open import Data.Nat   using (; zero; suc; pred; _+_; _≤_; s≤s; z≤n; _<_; _>_)
open import Data.Bool  using (Bool; true; false; if_then_else_; not)
open import Data.Unit  using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Function   using (const; _$_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst; cong)


The decidability view is a view on Set, a function with type (A : Set) → A ⊎ ¬ A.

Individual constructors

A ⊎ ¬ A ~ Dec A where

data Dec (A : Set) : Set where
  yes :   A  Dec A
  no  : ¬ A  Dec A


In Agda the decidability view can only be postulated, it cannot be defined.

We do not want to work with postulates, so define the decidability view on the "classical fragment" of Set, case-by-case.


Define the decidability view for 1 < 2, 1 ≡ 1, 1 ≡ 2 and 1 > 2:

1<2 : Dec (1 < 2)

1≡1 : Dec (1  1)

1≡2 : Dec (1  2)

1>2 : Dec (1 > 2)


Define the decidability view for n ≡ m and n ≤ m where n m : ℕ:

_≟_ : (a b : )  Dec (a  b)

_≤?_ : (a b : )  Dec (a  b)

Usage of the decidability view

⌊_⌋ : {P : Set}  Dec P  Bool
 yes _  = true
 no  _  = false