-- The Agda standard library
-- Support for reflection

module Reflection where

open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; false; true)
open import Data.List.Base using (List); open Data.List.Base.List
open import Data.Nat using () renaming (_≟_ to _≟-ℕ_)
open import Data.Nat.Show renaming (show to showNat)
open import Data.Float using (Float) renaming (_≟_ to _≟f_; show to showFloat)
open import Data.Char using (Char) renaming (_≟_ to _≟c_; show to showChar)
open import Data.String using (String) renaming (_≟_ to _≟s_; show to showString)
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe
open import Relation.Nullary hiding (module Dec)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Nullary.Product

-- Names

-- Names.

postulate Name : Set

{-# BUILTIN QNAME Name #-}

    primQNameEquality : Name  Name  Bool

-- Equality of names is decidable.

infix 4 _==_ _≟-Name_


  _==_ : Name  Name  Bool
  _==_ = primQNameEquality

_≟-Name_ : Decidable {A = Name} _≡_
s₁ ≟-Name s₂ with s₁ == s₂
... | true  = yes trustMe
... | false = no whatever
  where postulate whatever : _

-- Names can be shown.

    primShowQName : Name  String

showName : Name  String
showName = primShowQName

-- Terms

-- Is the argument visible (explicit), hidden (implicit), or an
-- instance argument?

data Visibility : Set where
  visible hidden instance′ : Visibility

{-# BUILTIN HIDING   Visibility #-}
{-# BUILTIN VISIBLE  visible    #-}
{-# BUILTIN HIDDEN   hidden     #-}
{-# BUILTIN INSTANCE instance′  #-}

-- Arguments can be relevant or irrelevant.

data Relevance : Set where
  relevant irrelevant : Relevance

{-# BUILTIN RELEVANCE  Relevance  #-}
{-# BUILTIN RELEVANT   relevant   #-}
{-# BUILTIN IRRELEVANT irrelevant #-}

-- Arguments.

data Arg-info : Set where
  arg-info : (v : Visibility) (r : Relevance)  Arg-info

visibility : Arg-info  Visibility
visibility (arg-info v _) = v

relevance : Arg-info  Relevance
relevance (arg-info _ r) = r

data Arg (A : Set) : Set where
  arg : (i : Arg-info) (x : A)  Arg A

{-# BUILTIN ARGINFO    Arg-info #-}
{-# BUILTIN ARGARGINFO arg-info #-}
{-# BUILTIN ARG        Arg      #-}
{-# BUILTIN ARGARG     arg      #-}

data Abs (A : Set) : Set where
  -- The String here is just a hint to help display the variable.
  -- The actual binding structure is with de Bruijn indices.
  abs : (s : String) (x : A)  Abs A

{-# BUILTIN ABS        Abs      #-}
{-# BUILTIN ABSABS     abs      #-}

-- Literals.

data Literal : Set where
  nat    :   Literal
  float  : Float  Literal
  char   : Char  Literal
  string : String  Literal
  name   : Name  Literal

{-# BUILTIN AGDALITNAT    nat     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDALITCHAR   char    #-}

data Pattern : Set where
  con  : (c : Name)(pats : List (Arg Pattern))  Pattern
  dot  : Pattern
  var  : (s : String)   Pattern
  lit  : (l : Literal)  Pattern
  proj : (p : Name)  Pattern
  absurd : Pattern


-- Terms.

  data Term : Set where
    -- Variable applied to arguments.
    var     : (x : ) (args : List (Arg Term))  Term
    -- Constructor applied to arguments.
    con     : (c : Name) (args : List (Arg Term))  Term
    -- Identifier applied to arguments.
    def     : (f : Name) (args : List (Arg Term))  Term
    -- Different kinds of λ-abstraction.
    lam     : (v : Visibility) (t : Abs Term)  Term
    -- Pattern matching λ-abstraction.
    pat-lam : (cs : List Clause) (args : List (Arg Term))  Term
    -- Pi-type.
    pi      : (t₁ : Arg Type) (t₂ : Abs Type)  Term
    -- A sort.
    sort    : (s : Sort)  Term
    -- A literal.
    lit     : (l : Literal)  Term
    -- Anything else.
    unknown : Term

  data Type : Set where
    el : (s : Sort) (t : Term)  Type

  data Sort : Set where
    -- A Set of a given (possibly neutral) level.
    set     : (t : Term)  Sort
    -- A Set of a given concrete level.
    lit     : (n : )  Sort
    -- Anything else.
    unknown : Sort

  data Clause : Set where
    clause        : (pats : List (Arg Pattern))(body : Term)  Clause
    absurd-clause : (pats : List (Arg Pattern))  Clause

{-# BUILTIN AGDASORT    Sort    #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATYPE    Type    #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERM    Term    #-}

{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMVAR         var     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMCON         con     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMDEF         def     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMLAM         lam     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMEXTLAM      pat-lam #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMPI          pi      #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMSORT        sort    #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATERMLIT         lit     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDATYPEEL          el      #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDASORTSET         set     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDASORTLIT         lit     #-}

{-# BUILTIN AGDACLAUSECLAUSE clause        #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDACLAUSEABSURD absurd-clause #-}

Clauses = List Clause

-- Definitions

-- Function definition.
data FunctionDef : Set where
  fun-def : Type  Clauses  FunctionDef

{-# BUILTIN AGDAFUNDEF    FunctionDef #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDAFUNDEFCON fun-def     #-}

  -- Data type definition.
  Data-type : Set
  -- Record type definition.
  Record    : Set

{-# BUILTIN AGDADATADEF   Data-type #-}

-- Definitions.

data Definition : Set where
  function     : FunctionDef   Definition
  data-type    : Data-type  Definition
  record′      : Record     Definition
  constructor′ : Definition
  axiom        : Definition
  primitive′   : Definition

{-# BUILTIN AGDADEFINITION                Definition   #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDADEFINITIONFUNDEF          function     #-}
{-# BUILTIN AGDADEFINITIONDATADEF         data-type    #-}

showLiteral : Literal  String
showLiteral (nat x)    = showNat x
showLiteral (float x)  = showFloat x
showLiteral (char x)   = showChar x
showLiteral (string x) = showString x
showLiteral (name x)   = showName x

    primQNameType        : Name  Type
    primQNameDefinition  : Name  Definition
    primDataConstructors : Data-type  List Name

-- The type of the thing with the given name.

type : Name  Type
type = primQNameType

-- The definition of the thing with the given name.

definition : Name  Definition
definition = primQNameDefinition

-- The constructors of the given data type.

constructors : Data-type  List Name
constructors = primDataConstructors

-- Term equality is decidable

-- Boring helper functions.


  cong₂′ :  {A B C : Set} (f : A  B  C) {x y u v} 
          x  y × u  v  f x u  f y v
  cong₂′ f = uncurry (cong₂ f)

  cong₃′ :  {A B C D : Set} (f : A  B  C  D) {x y u v r s} 
           x  y × u  v × r  s  f x u r  f y v s
  cong₃′ f (refl , refl , refl) = refl

  arg₁ :  {A i i′} {x x′ : A}  arg i x  arg i′ x′  i  i′
  arg₁ refl = refl

  arg₂ :  {A i i′} {x x′ : A}  arg i x  arg i′ x′  x  x′
  arg₂ refl = refl

  abs₁ :  {A i i′} {x x′ : A}  abs i x  abs i′ x′  i  i′
  abs₁ refl = refl

  abs₂ :  {A i i′} {x x′ : A}  abs i x  abs i′ x′  x  x′
  abs₂ refl = refl

  arg-info₁ :  {v v′ r r′}  arg-info v r  arg-info v′ r′  v  v′
  arg-info₁ refl = refl

  arg-info₂ :  {v v′ r r′}  arg-info v r  arg-info v′ r′  r  r′
  arg-info₂ refl = refl

  cons₁ :  {A : Set} {x y} {xs ys : List A}  x  xs  y  ys  x  y
  cons₁ refl = refl

  cons₂ :  {A : Set} {x y} {xs ys : List A}  x  xs  y  ys  xs  ys
  cons₂ refl = refl

  var₁ :  {x x′ args args′}  Term.var x args  var x′ args′  x  x′
  var₁ refl = refl

  var₂ :  {x x′ args args′}  Term.var x args  var x′ args′  args  args′
  var₂ refl = refl

  con₁ :  {c c′ args args′}  Term.con c args  con c′ args′  c  c′
  con₁ refl = refl

  con₂ :  {c c′ args args′}  Term.con c args  con c′ args′  args  args′
  con₂ refl = refl

  def₁ :  {f f′ args args′}  def f args  def f′ args′  f  f′
  def₁ refl = refl

  def₂ :  {f f′ args args′}  def f args  def f′ args′  args  args′
  def₂ refl = refl

  lam₁ :  {v v′ t t′}  lam v t  lam v′ t′  v  v′
  lam₁ refl = refl

  lam₂ :  {v v′ t t′}  lam v t  lam v′ t′  t  t′
  lam₂ refl = refl

  pat-lam₁ :  {cs cs′ args args′}  pat-lam cs args  pat-lam cs′ args′  cs  cs′
  pat-lam₁ refl = refl

  pat-lam₂ :  {cs cs′ args args′}  pat-lam cs args  pat-lam cs′ args′  args  args′
  pat-lam₂ refl = refl

  pi₁ :  {t₁ t₁′ t₂ t₂′}  pi t₁ t₂  pi t₁′ t₂′  t₁  t₁′
  pi₁ refl = refl

  pi₂ :  {t₁ t₁′ t₂ t₂′}  pi t₁ t₂  pi t₁′ t₂′  t₂  t₂′
  pi₂ refl = refl

  sort₁ :  {x y}  sort x  sort y  x  y
  sort₁ refl = refl

  lit₁ :  {x y}  Term.lit x  lit y  x  y
  lit₁ refl = refl

  pcon₁ :  {c c′ args args′}  Pattern.con c args  con c′ args′  c  c′
  pcon₁ refl = refl

  pcon₂ :  {c c′ args args′}  Pattern.con c args  con c′ args′  args  args′
  pcon₂ refl = refl

  pvar :  {x y}  Pattern.var x  var y  x  y
  pvar refl = refl

  plit₁ :  {x y}  Pattern.lit x  lit y  x  y
  plit₁ refl = refl

  pproj₁ :  {x y}  proj x  proj y  x  y
  pproj₁ refl = refl

  set₁ :  {x y}  set x  set y  x  y
  set₁ refl = refl

  slit₁ :  {x y}  Sort.lit x  lit y  x  y
  slit₁ refl = refl

  el₁ :  {s s′ t t′}  el s t  el s′ t′  s  s′
  el₁ refl = refl

  el₂ :  {s s′ t t′}  el s t  el s′ t′  t  t′
  el₂ refl = refl

  nat₁ :  {x y}  nat x  nat y  x  y
  nat₁ refl = refl

  float₁ :  {x y}  float x  float y  x  y
  float₁ refl = refl

  char₁ :  {x y}  char x  char y  x  y
  char₁ refl = refl

  string₁ :  {x y}  string x  string y  x  y
  string₁ refl = refl

  name₁ :  {x y}  name x  name y  x  y
  name₁ refl = refl

  clause₁ :  {ps ps′ b b′}  clause ps b  clause ps′ b′  ps  ps′
  clause₁ refl = refl

  clause₂ :  {ps ps′ b b′}  clause ps b  clause ps′ b′  b  b′
  clause₂ refl = refl

  absurd-clause₁ :  {ps ps′}  absurd-clause ps  absurd-clause ps′  ps  ps′
  absurd-clause₁ refl = refl

_≟-Visibility_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Visibility})
visible   ≟-Visibility visible   = yes refl
hidden    ≟-Visibility hidden    = yes refl
instance′ ≟-Visibility instance′ = yes refl
visible   ≟-Visibility hidden    = no λ()
visible   ≟-Visibility instance′ = no λ()
hidden    ≟-Visibility visible   = no λ()
hidden    ≟-Visibility instance′ = no λ()
instance′ ≟-Visibility visible   = no λ()
instance′ ≟-Visibility hidden    = no λ()

_≟-Relevance_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Relevance})
relevant   ≟-Relevance relevant   = yes refl
irrelevant ≟-Relevance irrelevant = yes refl
relevant   ≟-Relevance irrelevant = no λ()
irrelevant ≟-Relevance relevant   = no λ()

_≟-Arg-info_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Arg-info})
arg-info v r ≟-Arg-info arg-info v′ r′ =
  Dec.map′ (cong₂′ arg-info)
           < arg-info₁ , arg-info₂ >
           (v ≟-Visibility v′ ×-dec r ≟-Relevance r′)

_≟-Lit_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Literal})
nat x ≟-Lit nat x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong nat) nat₁ (x ≟-ℕ x₁)
nat x ≟-Lit float x₁ = no  ())
nat x ≟-Lit char x₁ = no  ())
nat x ≟-Lit string x₁ = no  ())
nat x ≟-Lit name x₁ = no  ())
float x ≟-Lit nat x₁ = no  ())
float x ≟-Lit float x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong float) float₁ (x ≟f x₁)
float x ≟-Lit char x₁ = no  ())
float x ≟-Lit string x₁ = no  ())
float x ≟-Lit name x₁ = no  ())
char x ≟-Lit nat x₁ = no  ())
char x ≟-Lit float x₁ = no  ())
char x ≟-Lit char x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong char) char₁ (x ≟c x₁)
char x ≟-Lit string x₁ = no  ())
char x ≟-Lit name x₁ = no  ())
string x ≟-Lit nat x₁ = no  ())
string x ≟-Lit float x₁ = no  ())
string x ≟-Lit char x₁ = no  ())
string x ≟-Lit string x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong string) string₁ (x ≟s x₁)
string x ≟-Lit name x₁ = no  ())
name x ≟-Lit nat x₁ = no  ())
name x ≟-Lit float x₁ = no  ())
name x ≟-Lit char x₁ = no  ())
name x ≟-Lit string x₁ = no  ())
name x ≟-Lit name x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong name) name₁ (x ≟-Name x₁)

  infix 4 _≟_ _≟-Args_ _≟-ArgType_

  _≟-AbsTerm_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Abs Term})
  abs s a ≟-AbsTerm abs s′ a′ =
    Dec.map′ (cong₂′ abs)
             < abs₁ , abs₂ >
             (s ≟s s′ ×-dec a  a′)

  _≟-AbsType_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Abs Type})
  abs s a ≟-AbsType abs s′ a′ =
    Dec.map′ (cong₂′ abs)
             < abs₁ , abs₂ >
             (s ≟s s′ ×-dec a ≟-Type a′)

  _≟-ArgTerm_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Arg Term})
  arg i a ≟-ArgTerm arg i′ a′ =
    Dec.map′ (cong₂′ arg)
             < arg₁ , arg₂ >
             (i ≟-Arg-info i′ ×-dec a  a′)

  _≟-ArgType_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Arg Type})
  arg i a ≟-ArgType arg i′ a′ =
    Dec.map′ (cong₂′ arg)
             < arg₁ , arg₂ >
             (i ≟-Arg-info i′ ×-dec a ≟-Type a′)

  _≟-ArgPattern_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Arg Pattern})
  arg i a ≟-ArgPattern arg i′ a′ =
    Dec.map′ (cong₂′ arg)
             < arg₁ , arg₂ >
             (i ≟-Arg-info i′ ×-dec a ≟-Pattern a′)

  _≟-Args_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = List (Arg Term)})
  []       ≟-Args []       = yes refl
  (x  xs) ≟-Args (y  ys) = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ _∷_) < cons₁ , cons₂ > (x ≟-ArgTerm y ×-dec xs ≟-Args ys)
  []       ≟-Args (_  _)  = no λ()
  (_  _)  ≟-Args []       = no λ()

  _≟-Clause_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Clause})
  clause ps b ≟-Clause clause ps′ b′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ clause) < clause₁ , clause₂ > (ps ≟-ArgPatterns ps′ ×-dec b  b′)
  absurd-clause ps ≟-Clause absurd-clause ps′ = Dec.map′ (cong absurd-clause) absurd-clause₁ (ps ≟-ArgPatterns ps′)
  clause _ _      ≟-Clause absurd-clause _ = no λ()
  absurd-clause _ ≟-Clause clause _ _      = no λ()

  _≟-Clauses_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Clauses})
  []       ≟-Clauses []       = yes refl
  (x  xs) ≟-Clauses (y  ys) = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ _∷_) < cons₁ , cons₂ > (x ≟-Clause y ×-dec xs ≟-Clauses ys)
  []       ≟-Clauses (_  _)  = no λ()
  (_  _)  ≟-Clauses []       = no λ()

  _≟-Pattern_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Pattern})
  con c ps ≟-Pattern con c′ ps′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ con) < pcon₁ , pcon₂ > (c ≟-Name c′ ×-dec ps ≟-ArgPatterns ps′)
  con x x₁ ≟-Pattern dot = no  ())
  con x x₁ ≟-Pattern var x₂ = no  ())
  con x x₁ ≟-Pattern lit x₂ = no  ())
  con x x₁ ≟-Pattern proj x₂ = no  ())
  con x x₁ ≟-Pattern absurd = no  ())
  dot ≟-Pattern con x x₁ = no  ())
  dot ≟-Pattern dot = yes refl
  dot ≟-Pattern var x = no  ())
  dot ≟-Pattern lit x = no  ())
  dot ≟-Pattern proj x = no  ())
  dot ≟-Pattern absurd = no  ())
  var s ≟-Pattern con x x₁ = no  ())
  var s ≟-Pattern dot = no  ())
  var s ≟-Pattern var s′ = Dec.map′ (cong var) pvar (s ≟s s′)
  var s ≟-Pattern lit x = no  ())
  var s ≟-Pattern proj x = no  ())
  var s ≟-Pattern absurd = no  ())
  lit x ≟-Pattern con x₁ x₂ = no  ())
  lit x ≟-Pattern dot = no  ())
  lit x ≟-Pattern var _ = no  ())
  lit l ≟-Pattern lit l′ = Dec.map′ (cong lit) plit₁ (l ≟-Lit l′)
  lit x ≟-Pattern proj x₁ = no  ())
  lit x ≟-Pattern absurd = no  ())
  proj x ≟-Pattern con x₁ x₂ = no  ())
  proj x ≟-Pattern dot = no  ())
  proj x ≟-Pattern var _ = no  ())
  proj x ≟-Pattern lit x₁ = no  ())
  proj x ≟-Pattern proj x₁ = Dec.map′ (cong proj) pproj₁ (x ≟-Name x₁)
  proj x ≟-Pattern absurd = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern con x x₁ = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern dot = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern var _ = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern lit x = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern proj x = no  ())
  absurd ≟-Pattern absurd = yes refl

  _≟-ArgPatterns_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = List (Arg Pattern)})
  []       ≟-ArgPatterns []       = yes refl
  (x  xs) ≟-ArgPatterns (y  ys) = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ _∷_) < cons₁ , cons₂ > (x ≟-ArgPattern y ×-dec xs ≟-ArgPatterns ys)
  []       ≟-ArgPatterns (_  _)  = no λ()
  (_  _)  ≟-ArgPatterns []       = no λ()

  _≟_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Term})
  var x args  var x′ args′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ var) < var₁ , var₂ > (x ≟-ℕ x′          ×-dec args ≟-Args args′)
  con c args  con c′ args′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ con) < con₁ , con₂ > (c ≟-Name c′       ×-dec args ≟-Args args′)
  def f args  def f′ args′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ def) < def₁ , def₂ > (f ≟-Name f′       ×-dec args ≟-Args args′)
  lam v t     lam v′ t′    = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ lam) < lam₁ , lam₂ > (v ≟-Visibility v′ ×-dec t ≟-AbsTerm t′)
  pat-lam cs args  pat-lam cs′ args′ =
                              Dec.map′ (cong₂′ pat-lam) < pat-lam₁ , pat-lam₂ > (cs ≟-Clauses cs′ ×-dec args ≟-Args args′)
  pi t₁ t₂    pi t₁′ t₂′   = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ pi)  < pi₁  , pi₂  > (t₁ ≟-ArgType t₁′  ×-dec t₂ ≟-AbsType t₂′)
  sort s      sort s′      = Dec.map′ (cong sort)  sort₁           (s ≟-Sort s′)
  lit l       lit l′       = Dec.map′ (cong lit)   lit₁           (l ≟-Lit l′)
  unknown     unknown      = yes refl

  var x args  con c args′ = no λ()
  var x args  def f args′ = no λ()
  var x args  lam v t     = no λ()
  var x args  pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  var x args  sort _      = no λ()
  var x args  lit _      = no λ()
  var x args  unknown     = no λ()
  con c args  var x args′ = no λ()
  con c args  def f args′ = no λ()
  con c args  lam v t     = no λ()
  con c args  pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  con c args  sort _      = no λ()
  con c args  lit _      = no λ()
  con c args  unknown     = no λ()
  def f args  var x args′ = no λ()
  def f args  con c args′ = no λ()
  def f args  lam v t     = no λ()
  def f args  pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  def f args  sort _      = no λ()
  def f args  lit _      = no λ()
  def f args  unknown     = no λ()
  lam v t     var x args  = no λ()
  lam v t     con c args  = no λ()
  lam v t     def f args  = no λ()
  lam v t     pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  lam v t     sort _      = no λ()
  lam v t     lit _      = no λ()
  lam v t     unknown     = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    var x args  = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    con c args  = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    def f args  = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    lam v t     = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    sort _      = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    lit _      = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂    unknown     = no λ()
  sort _      var x args  = no λ()
  sort _      con c args  = no λ()
  sort _      def f args  = no λ()
  sort _      lam v t     = no λ()
  sort _      pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  sort _      lit _       = no λ()
  sort _      unknown     = no λ()
  lit _      var x args  = no λ()
  lit _      con c args  = no λ()
  lit _      def f args  = no λ()
  lit _      lam v t     = no λ()
  lit _      pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  lit _      sort _      = no λ()
  lit _      unknown     = no λ()
  unknown     var x args  = no λ()
  unknown     con c args  = no λ()
  unknown     def f args  = no λ()
  unknown     lam v t     = no λ()
  unknown     pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  unknown     sort _      = no λ()
  unknown     lit _       = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  var x args  = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  con c args  = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  def f args  = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  lam v t     = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  pi t₁ t₂    = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  sort _      = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  lit _       = no λ()
  pat-lam _ _  unknown     = no λ()
  var x args   pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  con c args   pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  def f args   pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  lam v t      pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  pi t₁ t₂     pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  sort _       pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  lit _        pat-lam _ _ = no λ()
  unknown      pat-lam _ _ = no λ()

  _≟-Type_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Type})
  el s t ≟-Type el s′ t′ = Dec.map′ (cong₂′ el) < el₁ , el₂ > (s ≟-Sort s′ ×-dec t  t′)

  _≟-Sort_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Sort})
  set t   ≟-Sort set t′  = Dec.map′ (cong set) set₁ (t  t′)
  lit n   ≟-Sort lit n′  = Dec.map′ (cong lit) slit₁ (n ≟-ℕ n′)
  unknown ≟-Sort unknown = yes refl
  set _   ≟-Sort lit _   = no λ()
  set _   ≟-Sort unknown = no λ()
  lit _   ≟-Sort set _   = no λ()
  lit _   ≟-Sort unknown = no λ()
  unknown ≟-Sort set _   = no λ()
  unknown ≟-Sort lit _   = no λ()