module Revise.InfIO where

Import list

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.String
open import Data.Colist
open import Function
import IO.Primitive as Prim
open import Level

--import IO

Infinitely many IO operations

One cannot write "infinitely large" computations with the IO monad in IO.Primitive.

The following coinductive type is introduced to avoid this problem.

infixl 1 _>>=_ _>>_

data IO {a} (A : Set a) : Set (suc a) where
  lift   : (m : Prim.IO A)  IO A
  return : (x : A)  IO A
  _>>=_  : {B : Set a} (m :  (IO B)) (f : (x : B)   (IO A))  IO A
  _>>_   : {B : Set a} (m₁ :  (IO B)) (m₂ :  (IO A))  IO A

Running IO

We can now construct I/O computations with arbitrary many primitive operations, but how can we run it?

The run function does the job.


  run :  {a} {A : Set a}  IO A  Prim.IO A
  run (lift m)   = m
  run (return x) = Prim.return x
  run (m  >>= f) = Prim._>>=_ (run ( m )) λ x  run ( (f x))
  run (m₁ >> m₂) = Prim._>>=_ (run ( m₁)) λ _  run ( m₂)

We had to turn off the Agda termintation checker, so non-termination may present in run so we had to be careful in the implementation. (Lot better than to be careful in each individual cases!)

The use of abstract ensures that the run function will not be unfolded infinitely by the type checker.


sequence :  {a} {A : Set a}  Colist (IO A)  IO (Colist A)
sequence []       = return []
sequence (c  cs) =  c                  >>= λ x  
                     ( sequence ( cs) >>= λ xs 
                     return (x   xs))

-- The reason for not defining sequence′ in terms of sequence is
-- efficiency (the unused results could cause unnecessary memory use).

sequence′ :  {a} {A : Set a}  Colist (IO A)  IO (Lift )
sequence′ []       = return _
sequence′ (c  cs) =  c                   >>
                      ( sequence′ ( cs) >>
                      return _)

mapM :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
       (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO (Colist B)
mapM f = sequence  map f

mapM′ : {A B : Set}  (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO (Lift )
mapM′ f = sequence′  map f

-- Simple lazy IO

getContents : IO Costring
getContents = lift Prim.getContents

readFile : String  IO Costring
readFile f = lift (Prim.readFile f)

-- Reads a finite file. Raises an exception if the file path refers to
-- a non-physical file (like "/dev/zero").

readFiniteFile : String  IO String
readFiniteFile f = lift (Prim.readFiniteFile f)

writeFile∞ : String  Costring  IO 
writeFile∞ f s =
   lift (Prim.writeFile f s) >>
   return _

writeFile : String  String  IO 
writeFile f s = writeFile∞ f (toCostring s)

appendFile∞ : String  Costring  IO 
appendFile∞ f s =
   lift (Prim.appendFile f s) >>
   return _

appendFile : String  String  IO 
appendFile f s = appendFile∞ f (toCostring s)

putStr∞ : Costring  IO 
putStr∞ s =
   lift (Prim.putStr s) >>
   return _

putStr : String  IO 
putStr s = putStr∞ (toCostring s)

putStrLn∞ : Costring  IO 
putStrLn∞ s =
   lift (Prim.putStrLn s) >>
   return _

putStrLn : String  IO 
putStrLn s = putStrLn∞ (toCostring s)