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15-17 September 2005, Budapest, Hungary |
Conference Programme
Download the preliminary programme (updated on 6 September).
List of Papers Invited Paper
Palpable Computing and the Role
of Agent Technology
Research Papers Agent Communication, Interaction Protocols and Mechanisms
A Dynamic Joint Protocol
Selection Method to Perform Collaborative Tasks
A Formal Framework for
Interaction Protocol Engineering
Towards a Conversational
Language for Artificial Agents in Mixed Community Agent Models and Architectures
Adaptive Mobile Multi-Agent
Agent Encapsulation in a
Cognitive Vision MAS
A Model of Multi-agent System
Based on Policies and Contracts
Case-Based Student Modelling in
a Multi-agent Learning Environment
Intelligent Virtual
Environments for Training: An Agent-based Approach
Patient driven mobile platform
to enhance conventional wheelchair, with multiagent system supervisory
SECMAP: A Secure Mobile Agent
What is Context and How can an
Agent Learn to Find and Use It When Making Decisions Agent Oriented Software Engineering, Modelling and Methodologies
A Formal Modelling Framework
for Developing Multi-agent Systems with Dynamic Structure and Behaviour
Discovery of Crises via
Agent-Based Simulation of a Transportation System
Evaluating the feasibility of
method engineering for the creation of agent-oriented methodologies
Formalizing Compatibility and
Substitutability of Role-based Interactions Components in Multi-agent
MAS Meta-models on Test: UML vs.
OPM in the SODA Case Study
Programming an Agent as
Abstract State Machine
Meta-Models Compared with a Unifying Proposal
The Synthesis Stage in the
Software Agent Development Process
Use Case and Actor Driven
Requirements Engineering: An Evaluation of Modifications to Prometheus Coordination, Teamwork, Social Knowledge and Social Reasoning
Agent-based Management of
Non-Urban Road Meteorological Incidents
Arguing and Negotiating in the
Presence of Social Influences
Cooperative Behavior of Agents
Based on Potential Field
The "Dance or Work" Problem:
Why do not all Honeybees Dance with Maximum Intensity
Towards an Institutional
Environment using Norms for Contract Performance
Virtual Games: A New Approach
to Implementation of Social Choice Rules Formal Methods and Logic in MAS
How our beliefs contribute to
interpret actions
The Effect of Flag Introduction
on the Explosion of Nogood Values in the Case of ABT Family Techniques
Toward a Formal Theory of
Belief, Capability and Promise Incorporating Temporal Aspect Learning and Evolution of MAS
A Multi-Agent
Fuzzy-Reinforcement Learning Method For Continuous Domains
An adaptive approach for the
exploration-exploitation dilemma for learning agents Personal Agents and Agent-Based User Interfaces
A Multi Agent Approach to
Interest Profiling of Users
vBroker: Artificial Agents
Helping to Stock Up on Knowledge Planning and Scheduling in MAS
Cooperative Planning in the
Supply Network - A Multiagent Organization Model
Diagnosis of plans and agents
Dialectical Theory for
Multi-Agent Assumption-Based Planning
How to keep plan execution
Stochastic Reactive Production
Scheduling by Multi-Agent Based Asynchronous Approximate Dynamic
Programming Scalability, Robustness and Performance Issues
Do Agents Make Model Checking
Explode (Computationally)?
Multiagent Resource Allocation
in the Presence of Externalities
On Communication in Solving
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Towards Reliable Large-Scale
Multi-Agent Systems Self-Organising Systems in Emergent Organisations
Emergent Timetabling
Experiments in Emergent
Programming using Self-organizing Multi-Agent Systems Trust, Reputation, Reliability, Security and Intrusion Detection
A Direct Reputation Model for
VO Formation
Adversarial Behavior in
Multi-Agent Systems
Bayesian Dynamic Trust Model
Behavior Evaluation with
Actions' Sampling in Multi-Agent System
Application Papers
Agent-based Control of a
Municipal Water System
Agent-based framework for
simulation and support of Dynamic Engineering Design Processes in PSI
Situated Agents and the Web:
Supporting Site Adaptivity
Short Research Papers Agent Communication, Interaction Protocols and Mechanisms
An operational model for mutual
Chomsky: a Content Language
Translation Agent Agent Models and Architectures
Roles and hierarchy in
multi-agent organizations
Semantic and Virtual Agents in
Adaptive Middleware Architecture for Smart Vehicle Space
Towards an Authority Sharing
Based on the Viewpoint Action Model Coordination, Teamwork, Social Knowledge and Social Reasoning
Application of Multi-Agent
Systems and Social Network Theory to Petrol Pricing on UK Motorways
Combining Rule-Based and
Plug-in Components in Agents for Flexible Dynamic Negotiations
Group Interests of Agents
Functioning in Changing Environments
Policies for common awareness
in organized settings Learning and Evolution of MAS
Learning in a Multi-Agent
Approach to a Fish Bank Game
Modelling of Agents' Behavior
with Semi-Collaborative Meta-Agents
Pareto-Q Learning Algorithm for
Cooperative Agents in General-Sum Games
Selection in Scale-Free Small
World Personal Agents and Agent -Based User Interfaces
A Multi-Agent System
Architecture for the Adaptation of User Interfaces
ACE agents - mass personalized
software assistance
Assisting Robotic Personal
Agent and Cooperating Alternative Input Devices for Severely Disabled
Children Planning and Scheduling in MAS
Building Agent-Based Systems in
a Discrete-Event Simulation Environment
Complexity of Task Coordination
for Non Cooperative Planning Agents
Resource Coordination on MAS
Multi-Plans Context
Using Negotiation Techniques as
Time-Restricted Scheduling Policies on Intelligent Agents Scalability, Robustness and Performance Issues
Performance Comparison of
Multiagent Systems Self-Organising Systems in Emergent Organisations
A complexity based feature to
support emergence in MAS
Adaptive Document Analysis with
A Self-Configuring Agent-Based
Document Indexing System Trust, Reputation, Reliability, Security and Intrusion Detection
Managing Trust for Secure
Active Networks
Short Application Papers
A Case Study of Agent-Based
Virtual Enterprise Modelling
Agent-based Support for Open
Development of an AGV transportation System
Goodness and Lacks of MAS
Methodologies for Manufacturing Domains
Multiagents Applied to
Humanitarian Demining
Simulating Automatic High Bay
Warehouses Using Agents
Strategies for Distributed
Underwater Survey
The Role of Ontologies in a
Multi-Agent Based Data Integration System