4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems

15-17 September 2005, Budapest, Hungary



Call for Papers


Important Dates




Submission Guidelines






Conference Venue


Registration & Hotel


Travel Information




Useful Links




Download Area


Programme Committee Area

Co-located Events

Agentlink TF3

First Technical European FIPA IEEE Meeting

Hubuska Open Workshop




Camera Ready Paper Submission Guidelines

Each paper was sent to 3 members of the programme committee, each of whom was responsible for obtaining one review. In those cases where one of the reviewers failed to provide the reviews commissioned on time, the decision was based on the reviews available, if these agreed, or on final voting by the organising committee members. In conflicting cases the conference organisers asked for an additional review. Given the community-building nature of the conference, we have introduced a bias towards favouring presentation of borderline papers: this provides authors with the opportunity to improve presentation with the help of the feedback provided by the reviewers, and to get further constructive comments at the event itself.

The grades in the review results have the following meaning: 7 Strong accept, 6 Accept, 5 Weak accept, 4 Neutral, 3 Weak reject, 2 Reject, 1 Strong reject; Rewriting needed: H high, M medium, L low.

Final Paper Categories

Invited paper:

  • 10-20 pages in the proceedings, 30-60 minutes at the conference

Research papers:

  • Full paper: 10 pages in the proceedings, 25 minutes presentation + 5 min discussion at the conference

  • Short paper: 4 pages in the proceedings, 10 minutes presentation + 3 min discussion at the conference (original poster submissions are also presented as short papers)

Application & industry track:

  • Long paper: 10 pages in the proceedings, 25 minutes presentation at the conference

  • Short paper: 4 pages in the proceedings, 15 minutes presentation at the conference

Camera Ready Paper Submission Instructions

The conference proceedings including the accepted papers of the main conference, selected papers from the industrial track, will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNAI series.

You are kindly asked to make the necessary corrections based on the reviewers' comments and resubmit your paper according to final paper format requirements, as specified at Springer LNAI publisher's guidelines by 24 June 2005. Please, send electronic version only, all files, including the source files, to the Secretariat. Please, also notice that 24 June is a strict deadline, we will not be able to include your paper in the proceedings if you fail to meet it.

The copyright forms are to be either faxed/scanned and sent to the Secretariat.

Also, note that the headings of the copyright form are to be filled in as follows:

Conference/Book: Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2005, Budapest, Hungary, September 2005, Proceedings, Volume Editor(s): Pěchouček, Michal; Petta, Paolo; Varga, László Z.


Please, note that papers without at least one author registering by 10 July 2005 will be automatically excluded from the conference programme.



Paper submission closed!


Paper Submission Guidelines

We solicit contributions as follows:

Research track:

Paper submissions for the main research track of the conference should be formatted according to Springer LNAI guidelines and must not exceed 10 pages, including graphics and references. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically as described below.

Posters track

The conference poster session provides an opportunity to present the work in progress, enabling to discuss projects with others in the field. Students are encouraged to submit a poster presentation. The presenters will be invited to contribute an article as well. Papers should be formatted according to Springer LNAI guidelines and must not exceed 3 pages, including graphics and references. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically  as described below.

Industrial track

The conference provides the opportunity to submit papers on genuine applications of agent technology. Papers describing concrete, practical implementations with industrial links are encouraged opposed to pure conceptual plans or potential applications. Our goal is to demonstrate the real life value and commercial reality of multi-agent systems as well as to foster the communication between academia and industry on this field. If your paper describes practical experience and real applications, you should submit it to the industrial track. System descriptions should be formatted according to Springer LNAI guidelines and must not exceed 2 pages, including graphics and references. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically  as described below.

Tutorial proposals

We solicit tutorials in all areas of agent-oriented models, technologies and methodologies, aimed at either students (basic tutorials) or researchers (new and hot topics). Tutorial duration is either half-day or full-day. The tutorial pro­posal should include a brief summary and outline, specific goals and objectives, expected background of the audience, a bio­graphical sketch of the presenter(s), as well as a sample (15 to 25 slides) of the presentation. All tutorial proposals should be directed to the Tutorials Chair Andrea Omicini <andrea.omicini@unibo.it>, and should be sent before 21 February 2005.

The tutorials may be held on the morning of 15 September 2005, or if there is enough interest, on 14 September 2005.


Submission Procedure

Authors of all submissions are requested to format their papers according to Springer LNAI guidelines and submit them following these steps:

  1. Prepare the paper according to the Springer LNAI guidelines.

  2. Enter the author page of CEEMAS'05 Paper Review System.

  3. Provide your data (author(s), title, paper category, topics, abstract and password) so as to receive your paper ID and be able to submit the paper itself. Note down your paper ID and password, because you do not receive automatic email notification.

  4. Go to the author page, type your paper ID and password to enter the submission page, then submit the paper.

  5. Later you may make modifications to your data and/or resubmit your paper at the author page.

Your camera ready manuscripts will have to be accompanied with a signed copyright form. Completed copyright forms are to be faxed or mailed to the CEEMAS05 Secretariat until the deadline for final papers.

Should you have any problems with submitting the paper, please contact the Secretariat.



Submission policies

CEEMAS’05 will not accept any paper, which has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. These restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a limited audience and without archival proceedings.

For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to attend the conference to present the paper. Each author can give only one presentation. Papers without at least one author registering by the early registration deadline will be automatically excluded from the conference programme and the proceedings.

Official Language

The official language of the Conference is English. No simultaneous translation will be available.